
Keeping your cat’s skin and coat in good condition is necessary, primarily to ensure better health and avoid various diseases. While your cat may seem self-sufficient in taking care of itself, some support and care is always necessary on your part. Here are some tips that will help you improve the condition of the skin and coat of your cat.  

Cat Coat and Skin Maintenance Tips – Things Worth Knowing 

Here are some measures that you can take to keep your cat’s skin and coat healthy: 

Groom your cat regularly: Cats keep grooming themselves frequently, although you must clean them regularly for that nice sheen on their coat and good skin health. You should zero in on suitable shampoos and other products and begin a weekly brushing regime. Short-haired cats require brushing once weekly, while long-haired felines may need daily brushing to avoid hairballs and matting. Make the bathing experience more comfortable for your cat in a tub with warm water. Use a jug/cup to slowly pour water over fur while avoiding the face. Using cat-safe products is necessary, along with cleaning the ears and removing gunk or debris. Also, see whether your cat’s nails require clipping or not.  

Ensure proper nutrition: Good skin and coat health is not possible without ensuring suitable nutrition. You can take a closer look at available cat skin and coat supplements for filling up nutritional gaps on the advice of your veterinarian. Ensure your cat’s diet contains high protein, amino acids, Omega-3 fatty acids, and other beneficial ingredients. You should look for perfectly balanced cat food with all the vital nutrients. You may consider choosing grain-free and gluten-free options for healthier skin and a lustrous and shining coat. The diet should contain healthy fats, minerals, vitamins, oils, and healthy meats.  

Manage weight with regular activity: For better skin and coat quality, it is important to ensure your cat stays active regularly. This will help prevent obesity, which may put your cat at risk of several chronic health issues, including cancer, high blood pressure, osteoarthritis, and heart ailments. It may lead to issues with your cat’s skin and coat as well. Hence, keeping your cat’s weight in check will not only improve coat and skin health but also keep it away from the risks of serious illnesses.  

Consider proper supplementation: You can choose suitable cat skin and coat supplements on your veterinarian’s advice. If your cat has flaky skin or a dry coat, then you may be advised to take specific supplements. Fish oil supplements may sometimes help with irritated or itchy skin, while safflower or sunflower oil supplements may also be beneficial at times. Consult your veterinarian regarding the supplements that you can use for good skin and coat health.  

Keep fleas at bay: Several cats with skin problems also suffer from itchy skin. This may lead to over-scratching, which may result in wounds and even partial skin baldness. Fleas are the commonest reason behind persistent itchiness. You should thus adopt a flea prevention strategy, recording treatment dates while also setting upcoming dates in your calendar so that you do not miss these appointments. Get your veterinarian to undertake flea treatments periodically and whenever required.  


These are some tips that will help you ensure proper skin health and a shining coat for your cat. You should focus more on proper grooming, flea prevention, and a healthy diet that helps your cat stay healthy and active with ease.  

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